
Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park has successfully completed "World Korean Advanced Leadership Program for Unification and Peace” demonstrating his dedication to promoting harmony and cohesion on a global scale.

Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park rewarding employees with over 5 years of dedicated service.

Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park's attending a reception Welcoming Skilled Workers in South Korea

Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park attending a meeting at Asian Korean Merchants Association of Bangladesh

Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park's Hansang Business Tour 2023

Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park's Hansang Business Tour 2023

Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park's Hansang Business Tour 2023

Our Honourable Chairman & Managing Director Mr. CW Park's Hansang Business Tour 2023