B&F Company Limited
Name of the CompanyB&F Company Limited
Registration NoC-113730/14 (RJSC)
Trade License03-029435 (DNCC)
Establishment Date1996
Type of OrganizationPrivate Limited
Business Section/ActivitiesICT, Telecommunication, Engineering Construction Consultancy, Export & Import.
Tax Identification Number (TIN)129027889290
Registered office10F/ B&E, Rupayan Millenium Square, Cha-69, North Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh .
Organizational Membership
  • Korea-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry-KBCCI.
  • Bangladesh Computer Shomity
Head Office (mailing address)10F/ B&E, Rupayan Millenium Square, Cha-69, North Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Phone & Fax880-2-9883718, Fax : 880-2-9883715
E-Mail[email protected] [email protected]
Web Addresswww.korea-bangla.com​
Bankers Name & A/C No.
  • A/C No.:1526202981219001 BRAC Bank Limited Gulshan Branch, Dhaka, SWIFT CODE: BRAKBDDH
  • A/C No.: 0702-2100009598 Bank Alfalah Limited Gulshan Branch, Dhaka, SWIFT CODE: ALFHBDDH
Yearly TurnoverTk. 2.2-Billion
Total Number of Employee57 (Including 28nos IT Professional & Engineers)
Key Person of the CompanyMr. Park, Chong Wan, Managing Director, Nationality: Korean (S), B.Sc.in Architect under Jeonbuk National University, Korea. Total 32-Years’ Experience in various Business Field. 22-Years running business in Bangladesh in various sector.