Agro-processors for allowing aromatic rice export

Agro-processors have urged the government to allow the export of aromatic rice to increase earnings, according to a press release of Bangladesh Agro-Processors’ Association (Bapa).

Bapa said the domestic market for fragrant rice is small.

Exports of aromatic rice will result in the shipment of other products, enhancing the export basket, said the trade body after its 23rd annual general meeting (AGM) at Dhaka Club on Saturday.

The commerce ministry last year banned the export of fragrant rice in an effort to contain prices in the domestic market.

At the AGM, Bapa members expressed discontent over the government’s latest move of reducing incentives on the export of agro-processed products from 15 percent to 10 percent.

Bapa demanded a reduction of the source tax for export from one percent. 


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